We have 100 acres of land for sale in Alabama in Lowndes County. A unique property with lots of potential. Ideal for the upcoming hunting season!
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Aliant Bank is a proud sponsor of AlabamaWX.com! A severe thunderstorm is moving south across central Lowndes County this afternoon. It will be impacting areas along U.S. Highway 80 and State routes 21, 97 and 263.
BY THE PACKET columbuspacket@cableone.net Debbie Milliern / The PacketJeremy Williams` grey Maxima is surrounded by authorities from two states after.
The name of 37-year-old man who was pronounced dead at the scene hasn`t been released pending notification of family, the Montgomery Police Department released.
We have 100 acres of land for sale in Alabama in Lowndes County. A unique property with lots of potential. Ideal for the upcoming hunting season!
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